We are living through the first global pandemic of modern times. It’s a time of unprecedented uncertainty, overwhelming challenges, and profound changes in our lives, our society, and the world. But while no one can control the coronavirus, you absolutely can control how you respond. There are concrete and simple steps you can take right now to better cope with the Covid-19 crisis. You can choose to thrive, no matter your circumstances.

Liisa Kyle, Ph.D. is an author and life coach who has spent the last twenty years helping people navigate challenges and times of crisis. She’s written this book so you can meet this and future crises by guiding you to:

  • Tend to the basics
    • Safety
    • Self-Care
    • Fundamental needs  (physical, mental, spiritual, and social)
  • Handle your emotions
    • Examine and manage strong feelings such as  sadness, grief, anger, fear, and anxiety
    • Reduce stress and cultivate calm
  • Manage your mind
    • Cultivate positive thoughts
    • Counter negative thoughts
  • Take action
  • Make the best of the situation
    • Identify opportunities
    • Make desired changes in your life
    • Improve your relationships
    • Put things in order
  • Navigate the New Normal
    • Examine lessons learned
    • Identify your values and priorities
    • Examine your personal resources and liabilities
    • Make conscious choices

Available in paperback or eBook format here:
