If things like vision boards and goal-setting are a struggle for you to embrace fully,  I just experienced an exercise that really worked for me to see into the future.

In her free and wonderful “Summer of Transformation” program today, my friend and colleague Georgina Sweeney led me and other attendees through a process where we “met” our own future selves. (At this writing, you can still access the full program, with all the call recordings here.)

In my little vision quest, found myself in a cafe in Paris sitting opposite my future 6-months-from-now self  (who I noticed was much better- dressed, more creatively fulfilled and more peaceful and confident than I am now; obviously she makes a lot more money than I do as well) asking her all kinds of questions and getting some amazing answers.

It turns out that I could have everything she has right now if I would only accept it.

Also, that structure and organization are my friends, not my jailers…and I should embrace them.

I need to drink a bit less and get to bed a bit earlier.

I need to drop all the negative thinking and self-criticism. It is such a bore, and aren’t I tired of it already? She sure is. Anyway, she doesn’t know how I can even manage to keep it up, when it is obvious to her and to everyone that I am AWESOME.

And that she fully expects me to be where she is 6 months from now. In fact she ordered Champagne for us to toast it (in perfect French, naturellement).

I’ll drink to that. (Only maybe just one glass this time. )

Activity: Definitely try this fun and eye-opening exercise. Get quiet, go into a meditative state if you can, and imagine yourself 6 months or a year from now, having achieved all you want to, creatively, financially, whatever. For example, she’s finished her best-selling book, started her awesome and creative business, or  both, while feeling blissfully happy. Sit down next to her and ask her how she got there from where you are now. Ask her what you need to do more of, and what you need to let go of. Write down everything she says. Hug her as you say goodbye and take her wisdom with you. There’s so much more to this than I can convey here, so if you can, do sign up for Georgina’s free program.
