Independence Day means creative independence and freedom for DaVincis! so if the traditional To-Do List makes you feel more overwhelmed and chaotic than in control and productive, then break the tyranny — this low-tech alternative may be just right for you! I’ve been using it for a few weeks and find I am dropping fewer balls (see our blog’s logo!) and feeling calmer and more focused. Check out our first video blog (excuse the”Singin’ in The Rain”- style sound quality — movie buffs will know what I mean) and try this technique out. And please comment below and share how YOU keep track of all you do as a DaVinci!
Thanks to Stephanie Calahan for turning me on to this method. Oh, and if you want to see the “Singin’ in the Rain” reference I mentioned… here it is below, just for fun (look for my rookie mistake about 50 seconds in, LOL — a great reminder NOT to let perfectionism stop you from sharing your ideas! ) Have a happy 4th of July and enjoy the freedom to enjoy all your talents today!
I find that each of us have different ways to handle overwhelm. For some just writing a to list is overwhelming. I like to keep lists but find that I’m not overly attached to them. I do like the idea of using index cards
Thanks for the sharing
Stephanie Calahan is a friend and colleague of mine, too, and she does have some brilliant ideas. As an organizer, I find that different methods work for different people. Thanks for sharing your personal experience with this method. The video really personalized it.
I divided my to do’s into cards in five different categories. (4 creative projects and a category for Home/Personal). I have a total of 30 cards! But I do feel good about the idea of putting one task per card and hope this will avoid the occasional feeling of “overwhelm” I get. By the way, one of the projects is a book I am co-authoring on modern day Renaissance women! 🙂