How can YOU love your talents today?

Art by Sarah Zimmerman

It’s Valentine’s Day…and while romance is in the air for many people today, there are some things that are feeling decidedly neglected and lonely.

It’s your talents.

Like any relationship, they don’t thrive on being ignored, taken for granted, discounted or put off till a  “someday” that never seems to come.

So why not give them some flowers and candy today?

My hubby and I are about to leave for some surprise V-Day activity (I think involving a boat or a balloon; stay tuned) but here is how I will be celebrating Valentine’s with my talents today:

1. I’m recommitting to a creative project I have left on the back burner for Waaay too long. I still don’t know where I will find the time, but I also realize that without a commitment I never will, and with one. it’s not just possible but inevitable.

2. I’m hiring an assistant to take the burden of day-to-day business stuff off my plate so i can concentrate more on things that only I can do (and things i actually WANT to do)

3. I’m making it OK and forgiving myself that I’ve allowed myself to ignore my talents. we all get busy with the day-to-day, and put ourselves, our dreams, desires and needs on the back-burner in favor of what’s urgent to us or someone else. The great thing about talents is, unlike some people, they don’t hold grudges. Just come on back – no matter how long the absence, and you have them at “hello.”

Here are a few ways to love your talents today:

If you have not already, download and do the wonderful (if we do say so ourselves) planning tool “Making the most of multiple Talents in 2012.” It will remind you how awesome you are, and spark idead for how you can enjoy and use your talents even more in the year ahead.

Make a play date with one or more of your talents. Decide when it will be and what you will do, and round up or buy all the supplies you will need. (Fun!)

Dust off ONE project that has been languishing in a corner, and either recommit to it or say goodbye. Allow yourself to experience joy either way. If you decide to recommit,  make at least a rough timeline for what you will do when, and schedule next week’s  activities into your calendar so they are real.

What ideas can you share about loving your talents? please post them below! Because we show YOU love, if you have a blog, it will get an automatic backlink to your post.
